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Makes a Formatted Tibble from ADAMS URL Search Results


make_results_tibble_no_docket(adams_url, tag_chr = NULL, download = FALSE)



ADAMS search URL


tag associted with the search result


Logical, if set to true, the file is downloaded before it is processed


vector of search term results


",sections:(filters:(public-library:!t),properties_search_any:!(!(DocketNumber,eq,'99902088','')),properties_search_all:!(!(PublishDatePARS,gt,'01/05/2023',''))))&qn=New&tab=advanced-search-pars&z=0" |>
#> # A tibble: 22 × 8
#> Warning: unknown timezone 'EDT'
#> Warning: unknown timezone 'EDT'
#>    Title             `Document Date` `Publish Date`      Type  Affiliation URL  
#>    <chr>             <date>          <dttm>              <chr> <chr>       <chr>
#>  1 Appendices for R… 2024-04-30      2024-05-08 08:32:00 - No… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  2 Appendices for R… 2024-04-30      2024-05-08 08:32:00 - No… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  3 Abilene Christia… 2024-04-30      2024-05-08 08:32:00 Lett… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  4 Abilene Christia… 2024-04-30      2024-05-08 08:32:00 Lett… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  5 Submittal of Abi… 2024-04-26      2024-05-06 08:32:00 Lett… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  6 Submittal of Abi… 2024-04-26      2024-05-06 08:32:00 Lett… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  7 Abilene Christia… 2023-04-13      2023-09-22 08:39:00 Meet… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  8 Abilene Christia… 2023-04-13      2023-09-22 08:39:00 Meet… Abilene Ch… "htt…
#>  9 Abilene Christia… 2023-04-13      2023-09-22 08:38:00 Meet… NRC/NRR     "htt…
#> 10 Abilene Christia… 2023-04-13      2023-09-22 08:38:00 Meet… NRC/NRR     "htt…
#> # ℹ 12 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: DocketNumber <dbl>, `ML Number` <chr>